Account activity
Accounts are similar to files in operating systems such as Linux in that they may hold arbitrary data that persists beyond the lifetime of a program.
The table contains information from the transactions table catering to account usage. Each row in this table has information about an account's usage in a transaction.
Column Name | Column Type | Description |
block_slot | bigint | The slot of the block this transaction was in |
block_hash | string | The hash of the block this transaction was in |
block_time | timestamp | The timestamp that this account usage occurred |
block_date | date | The date this account usage occurred |
address | string | The address of the account, also referred to as public key |
tx_index | int | The index of this transaction in the block |
tx_id | string | The ID of the transaction in which this account usage occurred |
tx_success | boolean | The transaction succeeded and was committed |
signed | boolean | This account signed this transaction |
writeable | boolean | This account was granted read-write access in this transaction |
pre_balance | bigint | The balance of this account before the transaction was processed |
post_balance | bigint | The balance of this account after the transaction was processed |
pre_token_balance | decimal | The token balance before the transaction was processed |
post_token_balance | decimal | The token balance after the transaction was processed |
balance_change | bigint | The balance change that occurred as part of the transaction |
token_balance_change | decimal | The balance change that occurred as part of the transaction |
token_mint_address | string | Public key of the tokenβs mint |
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